The Best Interior House Colors For Selling Your Home In 2023

The Best Interior House Colors For Selling Your Home In 2023

The Importance of Interior Design and Color Scheme

When it comes to selling your home, an aspect that often gets overlooked is the color scheme of the interior. The interior design, particularly the colors you choose, plays a crucial role in creating an inviting atmosphere that can potentially charm prospective buyers. 

Interior paint colors can significantly impact the perceived value of your home. They have the power to create moods, influence emotions and even stir up memories. A well-chosen  color palette can highlight your home's best features, make spaces appear larger or brighter, and ultimately make your home more appealing to a wider range of buyers. 

While trends in interior design shift over time, the fundamental principle remains the same: the colors in your home should resonate with potential buyers and allow them to envisage themselves living in the space. As we move out of  2023, selecting the right interior paint colors will continue to be a strategic decision in selling your home.

The Influence of Colors in Evoking Emotions

It's no secret that colors can evoke specific emotions and reactions, and this is especially true in the realm of interior design. For instance, a neutral paint color like white, beige, and gray are often associated with simplicity, cleanliness, and spaciousness. They serve as a blank canvas, allowing potential buyers to imagine their lives and style in the space.

On the other hand, warm tones like red, orange, and yellow can evoke feelings of comfort, warmth, and energy, making them ideal for communal spaces like the living room or kitchen. However, these colors should be used sparingly as they can also give an impression of aggression or overstimulation when used excessively.

Cool tones such as blues and greens are known to evoke feelings of calmness, serenity, and tranquility - perfect for bedrooms or bathrooms where relaxation is key. These colors help in creating a restful environment, encouraging potential buyers to visualize themselves unwinding in these spaces.

Lastly, darker shades of black or navy can lend a touch of sophistication and luxury, but they can also make a room feel smaller or darker if not balanced with appropriate lighting or lighter furnishings. 

In conclusion, understanding color psychology in interior design can be a powerful tool in setting the right mood for potential buyers, influencing their perception of the space, and ultimately aiding in selling your home.

Best Interior Paint Colors for 2023

  1. Sky Blue: This airy and light hue is expected to be a popular choice in 2023. It reflects tranquility and openness, making it an ideal choice for bedrooms and bathrooms where relaxation is key. 
  2. Earth Tones: Inspired by nature, colors such as warm browns, deep greens, and soft beiges are expected to trend. These colors create a soothing and grounded environment, making them perfect for living areas and home offices.
  3. Soft Pastels: Delicate shades of pink, mint, lavender, and peach will continue to trend. These colors add a touch of youthful freshness and can be used to create a calming and inviting atmosphere.
  4. Charcoal Gray: This sophisticated shade of gray is set to be a popular choice in 2023. It adds depth and maturity to a room and works well when paired with lighter, contrasting colors.
  5. Bold Jewel Tones: Emerald green, sapphire blue, and ruby red are expected to be popular for those wanting to make a bold statement. These rich, vibrant colors add a touch of luxury and can create focal points in your home.
  6. Butter Yellow: This warm and inviting hue is perfect for kitchen and dining areas. It reflects optimism and energy, making it a great color choice for communal spaces.
  7. Soft White: A timeless choice, soft white is expected to maintain its popularity. It creates a sense of cleanliness, spaciousness, and serves as a blank canvas, ideal for potential buyers. 

Remember, the goal is to appeal to a wide range of potential buyers. Therefore, consider these colors as a starting point in your decision-making process, keeping in mind the overall design and features of your home.

Gray Is Trending

According to the popular real estate marketplace, Zillow, grays, especially dark, moody grays, are among some of the best interior house colors for creating a sense of warmth and coziness in a home. These colors, often associated with sophistication and luxury, have a knack for adding depth to a room and providing a comforting and soothing environment. When used correctly, dark grays can indeed elevate the perception of a home's value and appeal, which could positively impact the sales price. In fact, Zillow's 2023 color trend analysis suggests that homes with rooms painted in these shades often sell for more compared to homes with white walls. Therefore, considering the use of dark, moody grays in your interior design can prove to be a strategic decision when preparing your home for sale.

The Rising Popularity of Gray in Kitchens

Gray's allure extends far beyond the living room and bedroom walls, making its way into the heart of the home - the kitchen. Traditionally, white has been the favored choice for kitchen cabinets and walls. However, changing trends and buyer preferences have ushered in gray as the new trendy hue in kitchen design. 

Interestingly, a white kitchen, once seen as a safe and popular choice, could potentially detract from a home’s sale price by over $600. In contrast, properties featuring a charcoal gray kitchen can garner an estimated $2,512 more than similar homes. Moreover, kitchens painted in pewter gray could command an additional $2,553. Homes boasting kitchens in colors other than gray are receiving bids of $612 less on average. 

The trend towards gray is not just about following what's popular. It's about harnessing the sophistication, depth, and versatility that the color offers. This shift in preference suggests potential buyers’ growing appreciation for the neutrality and elegance that gray-toned kitchens provide. Therefore, incorporating gray into your kitchen design can prove to be a wise decision when preparing to sell your home.

Neutral Colors: Still a Safe Bet?

Despite the growing popularity of bold and unconventional colors, traditional neutral colors remain as a safe bet for those looking to sell their home. Classic neutrals such as beiges, grays, and whites continue to be favored for their versatility and broad appeal. These colors tend to appeal to a wide array of tastes, allowing potential buyers to easily envision themselves in the space. They also have the advantage of making a room appear larger and brighter, enhancing the home's overall aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, neutral colors provide a timeless quality, ensuring that your home remains stylish and relevant regardless of changing trends. So, while exploring contemporary color trends can add a unique edge to your home, sticking to traditional neutrals can still be a reliable strategy for home sellers.

Bold Colors: Making a Statement

Bold colors are increasingly becoming a favorite among homeowners who wish to make a strong visual statement with their interior design. A well-placed splash of a bold color, like a jewel-toned accent wall or a vibrant piece of furniture, can transform a space, infusing it with personality and vibrancy. These audacious interior house colors can create memorable impressions, capture potential buyers' attention, and help your property stand out in the competitive real estate market. However, it's crucial to use bold colors judiciously, as an overuse can be overwhelming and potentially off-putting to some buyers. Hence, when selling your home, strive for a balanced approach by combining bold colors with neutral tones. This strategy can add character and depth to your home while still appealing to a wide range of tastes.

Color Combinations: Creating a Cohesive Scheme

When it comes to combining colors to create an appealing and cohesive interior design, you might consider using a monochromatic, analogous, or complementary color scheme. A monochromatic scheme uses different shades, tints, and tones within the same color family, providing a subtle and sophisticated look that's easy on the eyes. It's ideal for creating a serene and harmonious atmosphere. An analogous scheme incorporates colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, offering a bit more visual variety while still maintaining a unified feel. For a more dynamic and high-contrast look, a complementary scheme uses colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. Remember, balance is key in any color scheme. It's often effective to choose one dominant color, use a second color to support, and a third, more vibrant color sparingly for accents. This "60-30-10" rule can help to create a balanced and visually interesting space. Lastly, don't forget the impact of neutrals. They can help to balance out more vibrant colors and provide a canvas upon which you can showcase the colors you want to highlight.

Recommendations for Room-Specific Colors

When it comes to choosing interior house colors for specific rooms, the function and mood of each room should guide your choice. For living rooms, warm neutrals like beige or taupe, or subtle grays can create a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. Kitchens, the heart of the home, benefit from the sophistication of gray tones or the cheerfulness of lighter shades like soft yellow or mild green. Bathrooms, often smaller in size, work well with lighter colors like white or pastel shades, which can make the space look more spacious and clean. For bedrooms, soothing colors like light blues, lilacs or earthy tones can promote a sense of calm and relaxation, thereby enhancing sleep quality. Children's bedrooms, on the other hand, can handle more playful colors like pastel blues, pinks, greens or yellows. Ultimately, while selling your home, remember to balance personal style with neutrality to appeal to a broad range of potential buyers.1`


Choosing the right interior colors is a crucial aspect of preparing your home for sale in 2023. It's about more than just aesthetics; it's a strategic move that could significantly impact the appeal and value of your property. The shift in preference from traditional white to sophisticated gray tones in kitchens illustrates how keeping abreast with color trends can potentially enhance your home’s sale price. Despite evolving trends, neutral colors remain a reliable choice for their versatility, timeless appeal, and ability to make spaces appear larger and brighter. Balancing these with bold colors can add depth and character to your home, making it stand out to potential buyers. Adopting a balanced and cohesive color scheme, whether it's monochromatic, analogous, or complementary, is key to creating a visually appealing space. Lastly, when selecting colors for specific rooms, it's important to consider their function and desired mood. Ultimately, the right choice of interior house colors can help create a positive impression, attract a broad range of potential buyers, and ensure your home remains stylish and relevant in the competitive real estate market of 2023.